2012 POEM – JR/SR BANQUET INTRODUCTION We’re gathered here two thousand twelveTo look back at our yearAnd once again relive the timesAnd bring the past back here. We hope to laugh and share tonightMemories held so fastAnd just perhaps create some moreThat in years to come will last. The years go fast and memories fade So cling to this year tight.Remember all that these times held As years fade out of sight. Everything is said in love To hopefully bring a laughAs we relive this year we’ve spent and, again, travel down its path. So, buckle up; enjoy the rideAll of you’all will starAs we look at times we’ve had this yearAnd how Dorky you all are. Brannon Low There are nightmares we all haveFilled with horror, pain and woeBut none can possibility equal the oneOf Brannon in a Speedo. He donned his Speedo on senior tripTo give the hot tub a whirlFortunately he wore no top, or he might………Have been mistaken for a girl. But a bigger worry might be Brandon MillerHe did more than take a peek.He stared and stared and when ask whySaid, “I was just admiring his physic “ But Low did accomplish one thing Somewhere in a little townThe Speedo company considered Brannon’s looksAnd said, “We’re closing down.” With Brannon’s heritage his suit came from ChinaFinest silk adorned his sideWhile somewhere in that far away land…A little silkworm committed suicide. Brannon went to China town in New YorkBut a bad scene ensued as suchThey kicked him out and yelled after him“No china man talk that much!” But he does hold one distinction hereAnd his reputation it does dimHe’s one of few to have a girl withdrawJust to get away from him. But one fact’s clear about this allAnd it’s really pretty neat-oThere’s no doubt she’d have stayed for sureIf she’d seen him in his Speedo. So, now he's here with Hannah Just an observance for a sampleIf he kisses her flat footed tonight He'll plant one on her Adam's apple. Brandon Miller Last 3 years Miller got a date and Made banquet without a doubtNow, he’s alone, Did the girls wise up Or is he finally coming out. If he does, Low will be waiting At least that’s our hunchMiller held out for a long, long time But the Speedo may have been too much. Some subjects make for precious memories Miller does have someBut, never use together the words “Ethan” and “dreams” When talking to our Brandon. So, he’s here at banquet number four We’re a bit surprised and all the sameAs mentioned, no date but we sure heard Ginger tied to this name. Michelle Mann (Chastain) . Michelle is here and quite unique Her reputation’s fullCould someone please explain to me How anyone fails ensemble. We need to revise our IQ test Just because of Michelle’s wayHow do you get lost coming to school Every single day? But, maybe it’s not so hard to see If it confirms our fearsThere may nothing to hinder free air flow Between those pretty ears. But, she’s here with date in tow Hopefully more modest now than in the pastIt’s OK to be a bit risqué But flashing Jessie in bible class? Don’t know how good it was that day But I guess it was some site.Was it good for Jesse? Well you’ll note He didn’t ask her here tonight. Scott Haley Haley and Elise are now together But not for long it’s sure(shore)Scott digitized her image and figuresHe doesn’t need her anymore. It sounds so sad but really isn’tWhen Scott was finally doneIt didn’t take him long to findThe image was way more fun. Some thought he’d miss out on too muchOnly knowing her like thatFor instance “what about kissing?”, someone askedHe replied, “I’ve got an app for that!” Actually he told her she was his She’d always be his honeyOr would at least would be as long as she Didn’t cost him any money. She listened to what he said right well But never really dug itUntil Scott suggested as a first date meal They split a chicken nugget. But lately he’s found another way That ends up much the sameWhen it gets close to time to eat He hands her a copy of “Hunger Games”. Elise Roberts (must follow Scott) But at least Elise got her first kissBut extreme caution she had to heedBy the time it came, alas her lipsWere sadly atrophied. (at-tro-feed) Brazos Roberts(has to follow Elise) That’s not Brazos’ problem for sureHer lips bring many joysShe keeps them fresh and in good shapeKissing little boys. Melman (must follow Barzos) But don’t mention that to MelmanOlder girls/little boys as factYou do and he’ll get quite upset and scream“And just what is wrong with that?” But Melman has turned 18 It’s been a little whileBest thing now is that Caroline (Care – O – line)Is no longer a pedophile. But Melman has lofty goals in life And some concern his dateSeems his life goal has always been To end up cougar bait. But I encourage him tonight At least find some real wayAnd don't mention in those earrings He really does look gay. Ethan Esgro Ethan asks the far out questionsOthers won’t, he has no qualmsHe’ll ask questions about anythingEven hairy palms. Ethan has his dream girl pickedHer identity he’s not hidingHe told us all he’s sure right nowShe’s in the Alps scuba diving. But he made the mistake of mentioning thisTo Low as he satBrannon jumped up quite excited and saidI’ve got a suit for that. That may sound funny to you allDepending on where you wereBut, the sad thing about the Brannon’s little suitIs that it would probably fit her. So, we’ll leave Ethan to his dream girl Hopefully he’s not dropped her.But…..whatever you do, don’t ever ask him To be a helicopter. Senior Class – general We really don’t like you seniors that muchMaybe I shouldn’t tellBut we couldn’t send you all to the fiery pitSo we just sent you to Mrs. Kidwell. Andrew Martin Andrew can be a bit strange at timesBut has a date tonight and allOf course, there’s no girl aliveThat he cares for like baseball. But there is no truth to one rumorSo let’s now set this rightHe doesn’t cuddle and kiss a baseballAnd then sleep with it all night. But with girls Andrew’s way aheadIn dating techniques too.Getting to first base with a girlMeans something different with our Andrew. But one thing means the same for himOn and off the field no doubtWith girls and baseball it means the sameWhen one is said to have struck out. And, the rumor is, not sure if trueBut it’s not one that’s soon gone.It’s said our Andrew has struck outA lot more off the field than on. But it’s Mayfield with him again tonight She loves baseball too, no mocksDisregard the fact that just yesterday she asked What’s a batter’s box? Tonight she sits and stares at him Her thoughts if you careIsn’t he the cutest thing Like a big cuddly teddy bear. Andrew and Mayfield for another year One things true no doubtEither they’re each other’s fall back plan Or a couple with which no one will go out But you can look at Mayfield’s face And her thoughts you will seeThey’re simple: “Ok, it’s been two years Will this boy ever try to kiss me?” I’m not greedy, I don’t ask for much Just a little funI don’t need a French kiss from him I’ll settle for just an American one. And all I really ask is just A chance for a little joyAnd tonight I’m going to get it So pucker up big boy!” Alexa Hubenak ( must follow Andrew) So, Andrew only speaks of baseballIf you listen to him by chance.Fortunately Alexa isn’t like that at allIn talking about her dance. We were going to ask her to dance tonightAn orientation test we seekTo answer our questions we would watch MillerTo see if he checked out her physique. Alexa chased Pierce all year long Caught him – the problem now by farIs sort of like the problem a dog faces After chasing down a car. You know, the chase was fun when the Pursuit was fresh for a bitBut now that’s it’s over and you‘ve won What in the world do you do with it? Worse, she thought chasing Pierce was like chasing A Mazaretti sports car, that’s why all the fussBut, once she caught him he turned out to be More like an ’89 Toyota Prius. But it was worth it that’s for sure Though tough as chases goShe’s captured this year’s top boy prize Doubt it? Ask Pierce, he will tell you so. Aleyna Penny(Moore) Been in 2 Wrecks Aleyna’s here, was there a doubt? Well, yes there was for sureShe had a babysitting job tonight But……………… she just brought him with her. Does it strike any else here tonight That Aleyna’s choice might be family traitShe’s just following Julia’s lead Who drug Simenoux around as her date. But, it’s OK ,it’s rather cute For her to bring him as a dateOnly problem is they’ll have to leave early His “beddy-bye” time is eight. Aleyna has to drive him around But tonight that didn’t seem rightSo Connor proved to be a take charge guy And added a second seat to his bike. They may even plan to marry Maybe sometime soonOne way to save some money: can one Person be both ringbearer and bridegroom? Zach Lueck Few here tonight have had the dramaOf Lueck’s love life this year.Or have a girl have to moveTo get away from him we fear. Someone follow Zac around And keep track just rightJust mark down how many times He calls his date “Mallory” tonight. There are breakups and there are BREAK-UPS How can we explain this one bestLet’s just say when comparing this one The Kardasians split got less press. Now, Randolph’s come a ‘courtin Zac’s little sister. Yeah, that’s rightZac was not too thrilled to have had to pack A bag of her pull-ups for tonight But, we can sympathize with Zac Understand? You betHow would you like to have your 9th grade sister At your last senior banquet? One thing’s sure for Caleb now And he better get this rightThe term “wet behind the ears” better be only figurative When he gets her home tonight. Football Team The football team finally won some gamesMade the playoffs you will find.But, alas, couldn’t beat the deafSo next year we’ll try the blind. Part of the problem we are sure This is what you getYou’ve got to have a quarterback old enough He doesn’t cry everytime he’s hit. And it’s even worse when between each play You know how it goesHis Cheerleader babysitter runs on the field To wipe the snot from his nose. Course he didn’t help when early on You know what he did?He filed bullying charges against the other team For harassing a little kid. But he was brave as brave could be Got over having snuggiesAnd lasted until the final game Before he soiled his Huggies. Devin Wilson Devin’s obsessed with working out Those muscles sure aren’t phonyAnd, you think he’s tough until you learn His favorite show is “the little pony.” Then there’s the t-shirt he bought at “Wicked” Purple sparkles adorned its face.Maybe he better decide just what direction He’s running in this race. But, truth be told, it probably means nothing: We’ve noted, so on we’ll goAnd realize it was probably just a result Of seeing Brannon in his speedo. Dezj Vaile x Dezi dreams of Flashes hero Even calls herself Mrs. West tooJust slap a superhero costume on any 9th grader And they’ll make all her dreams come true. Nicole Sharp ( Alchaz) Chris asked Nicole here tonight This arrangement we can’t missShe had to promise she’d play a video game Rather than get a good night kiss. She didn’t know what that was, so Without being meanAsked him to kiss what most turned him on Now, there’s lip prints on his I-pad screen. Nicole just may take the prize For spastic actions here we putHow many people can say with Nicole They ran over their sister’s foot. Melman/Paschal There are scenes in life that touch the heart But, some are sure the bestFor instance, on senior trip Zac sleeping with his head Resting on Paschall’s chest Paschal wouldn’t have been so upset And could have taken all the restBut by clinging nightly to Kevin’s body Zac knocked Kevin’s cuddle bear off his chest. One wonders what dreams Melman had While snuggling Kevin dearWe can only hope they weren’t the same As Ethan had up there. One night with Melman on his chest Helped Kevin make a callHe decided considering his options Jasmine wasn’t so bad after all. Paschal/Jasmine (must follow Kevin/Melman) So, Kevin and Jasmine are back together Clear as black and whiteNow we’ll take bets on if it’ll last Any past tonight. Kevin, best be careful what you do Tonight out on the townRemember her mother has a horse And she will run you down. And Jasmine, considering Kevin’s New York nights Extreme caution might be bestRemember trauma can last, so don’t put your head Anywhere near Kevin’s chest. Matt Bickers (must follow Pschal/Jasmine)_ The only couple on Senior trip Who cuddled more as a pairThan Zac and Kevin did each night Was Ereka and Bickers there. Course they used to be a serious thing Till Bickers left the USAThen broke up with her on Facebook Such a cool move, what can we say? Pierce Stringer Pierce is here – our modest one May we his praises sing‘cause, mercy knows, you’ll never get him to brag About how good he is at anything. Guess he’s just shy, doesn’t want to brag So, we’ll leave it at that and finishBy the way, he’d never mention it ,but did you know One time he beat Scott Benesh? Watching Pierce play football brought A question from all who caredCould Pierce really, really run that fast Or was he really, really scared? We do have a challenge for Alexa and him If they’d care to take a chanceSee if you can last the evening Without mentioning running fast or dance. For tonight please keep Dario and Pierce apart - Apart really farElse they’ll take up the evening telling Each other how great they are. Caitlin Oringderff Along with these two we might include Caitlin in the packShe’s spent a year claiming valedictorian And patting herself on the back. We don’t mean to downplay this at all But this means little any moreBeing valedictorian of this group Is like being one of Jersey Shore. Jacob Erwin/Joy Low Joy has Poohbear in tow tonight Used to be Brandon MillerAnd Nolley, Paschal and even D.J You can decide who was piglet and who was Tigger Juniors, one word of caution for Senior Trip Only if you care.There are sections of New York where It’d be best not to call Erwin, “Poohbear” Because, believe me, when I tell you this In addition to New York hoods There are lots of “bare hunters” you wouldn’t want to meet In those 100 acre woods. Joy has one distinctive here tonight Just in case you missedShe may be the only girls here with us That Brannon hasn’t kissed……………………………we hope! Jesse Schroer Schroer’s here with little Kaitlyn Under his watchful eyeCause considering recent history, at any moment She may sneak off with another guy. Jesse follows a rich tradition With girls he has it learnedSomeone had to step up and fill The shoes of Ben Materne. He doesn’t have to sweat it long When he wants someone to dateHe just buys some Skittles and a coloring book And waits at the playground gate. Krista Schwindt (Chad Nolley) Krista’s here with Chad tonight Left Duncan and Dario in the trashJust couldn’t resist muddin, guns, redneck slang And Beechnut on the dash. But, she could have even resisted these And not questioned if he suitsBut found something she couldn’t resist: The smell of manure on his boots. Hannah Olson There are girls who long to find a boy They search high and lowUnfortunately, Hannah went this route And settled way too Low. I mean how desperate can one be To snag a date tonightTo not just bolt and run away When Low comes into sight. But maybe the answer’s not that hard As we try to make it seemCould be characteristic number one considering Her love for dumb animals reigns supreme. Olson’s due for prison sureAfter marriage she’ll yell and rantAnd hack her husband into piecesFor stepping on a fire ant. She doesn’t seem so excited here tonight But please forgive her frownsYou see, when it comes to boyfriends, she’d much prefer Her sister’s hand-me-downs. And who but Hannah could cruise along Watching a wreck, it’s saidAnd total her car running over The poor fellow stopped ahead. But, she definitely is easily distracted Last week her parents, it’s saidNoting she had trouble sleeping Took her mobile from her bed. Jacob McClure Jacob has a special nickname He’ll tell if one begs.He can also tell you how it feels To have lockers up your legs. He’s a loyal Temple fan At least as much as legalThat is the reason, is it not He’s called the TCS bald eagle? Last year he used Facebook to ask Elise so we must ask whyShe was still waiting on her first kiss When Haley became her guy. She’d have kissed McClure last year Out of sight of all the gawkersExcept he insisted they have their kiss Standing on top of Temple lockers. That seemed strange to our Elise But Jacob thought they shouldHe figured if the kiss was nothing He’d have another chance to feel real good. Jennipher Campbell Find the loudest table here tonight Go on take the dareWe’ll bet at least a hundred dollars Jennipher’s sitting there. But she’s stole Ethan’s heart for sure In a special way it seemsBut since it’s Ethan we’ll stop short of saying She’s always in his dreams. Campbell and Nguyen should hook-up for sure If they don’t it’ll be a sinIf they married we figure about their tenth anniversary Daniel would get his first word in. Dario Rivas (Jordan Jones) x Rivas has been through Krista, Holly and the 9th grade Tonight he’s got Jones on his shelfBut anyone who knows Rivas surely knows He’d probably be happiest dating himself. Think that’s a stretch, well it’s not I think it’s really rightNot sure anyone measures up To how great he thinks he is tonight. He thought himself such a catch He wanted a reality showTo let all his women compete To see with which he’d go. But it failed as we all knew it would We’ll tell if any caresThe only girls to sign-up were already booked On Hillbilly Hand Fishing and Bayou billionaires. LuCrezia Dorsey Speaking of loud, there is LuCrezia Who argued with Rike and CampbellAbout sharing New York cheesecake with her And, I don’t mean to ramble But it’s obvious why they feared and wouldn’t Let Dorsea share with themWith a mouth her size she could inhale once And suck the whole cake in. Jonathan Gearinger Jonathan liked Bethany for awhile But went too fast for Bethany’s endsAnd so she used the time worn line “We should just be friends” In response to that Jonathan did come up With an analogy that really fit.Said that would be like his dog dying And his mother telling him he had to keep it. But, Bethany if I were you I wouldn’t think on that, a hintBecause if truth be known I’m not too sure That was really a compliment. Someone restrain Hannah or she just might All composure loseAnd for thinking of an animal dying Begin to beat Gearinger with her leather shoes. Meghan Hall Meghan’s here and from all looks Searching for a date she did roamFinally figured her best chance Was at an old folk’s home. We’re sure she’ll achieve wide acclaim Has the personality and the lookTo be featured on the cover of The latest Aggie bad joke book. She babysits cousins all the time And speaks of them as her ownBut don’t feel bad, Aleyna dates her little one So you’re definitely not alone. But, I hope I haven’t offended her If I have you’ll soon knowShe’ll turn to her date and say, “I’ve had enough, get your walker and let’s go.” Whitney Graham Whitney has a special friend Who tumbled into her lifeSeems he’s from India and she’s hoping Looking for a wife. She asked for a picture to check him out But decided to take it slowThe picture looked like some kid in a hot tub Wearing a tiny Speedo. But things might work out, who can know But we can guess some moreSince he’s from India they could get married And run a Quick Stop store. Katherine Gilpin Katherine’s set her mind on college With A&M being her preferredIt’ll be easy to get in and if not Hey, there’s always Harvard. Have you noticed how her attendance Has been perfect here of lateCould it be because one more miss And back next year will be her fate. We’re assuming that on this Senior Trip Roaming New York streets in open airThey didn’t encounter the naked cowboy Or Katherine would still be there. Carmon Rike Carmon cut her hair twice this year New look got some ravesTwice this year, hey that’s one more time Than Brandon even shaves. General Let me see if I have this straight: Dario’s here with Jordan JonesBut might prefer Nikkole it seemsWhile Jordan flirts with Andrew Martin And she and Pierce still have a thing. Bethany has a thing for Andrew At least when Austin’s not aroundPierce really likes Hannah OlsonIs that enough background. Well, Moos wishes he was with Cheseboro Christina broke Sterling’s heartPooh bear gets his dates on X-Box I guess that’s at least a start. Caleb Randolph Bickers still pines for Harris Moos likes only little girlsAnd, if Randolph kisses his date tonight He’ll have to part her baby curls. Caleb admits to already kissing her But one thing proved out of reach.He tried to French kiss Hannah but her Bubble gum got stuck in his teeth. You senior’s can make Caleb’s night more special It’ll be a memorable oneIf you stop by and tell him how long its been Since you kissed someone that young. I know its been awhile but try anyway Let this hint be your guideIt’s probably the last time you kissed someone That you had to move their burp rag aside. Bad thing is when you think about it And consider age, how it isThat Caleb’s kissed his little girl And Andrew still hasn’t his. But Caleb and Hannah locking lips Shouldn’t bother anyone – that saidHow many can see the vein Standing out in Zac Lueck’s head. And by the way, Pierce, if you really like Olson And she chose Low to be by her sideIt’s, of course, up to you But, if me, I might consider suicide. And Bethany if you really fancy Austin You should consider, I contendThat just because you’ve changed his diapers Doesn’t qualify him as a boyfriend. Brazos/Zane Brazos once liked Low ‘tis true Now we can all say “Why”Now she and Zane have parted ways He had a roving eye. It’s not that Zane liked another girl As Brazos finally foundIt’s that Zane wasn’t very choosy - He liked every girl around Brazos was just Zane’s older woman To take his hand and lead aroundWhile Zane scoped out the other girls Wherever they were found. Shoot, if it was female, Zane was interested He’d give any girl a whirl.Even got in a fight with Nguyen Over our pet squirrel. So Brazos went from blonde to brown Reasons: there was only oneAfter Low and Zane she knew for sure Blondes definitely don’t have more fun. Then, there’s also the story floating round Of Brazos and Low in Nicole’s back seatMercy! If there’s a girl here Brannon hasn’t kissed That’s someone I’d like to meet. I have no explanation for why this has happened Sure can’t be his faceOnly thing I can figure they must look at him As their charity case. Kime Sims Kime didn’t have a date till yesterday it seemsThen when she came to get a ticket Lacked his name, whatever that means She said it was Bo or Moe or something And she didn’t know his last nameNow, there’s nothing suspicious about any of this - Turned out to be Moe, just the same Outside of wondering if Curly and Larry Are lurking around somewhereShe can probably tell you the dating sight She got Moe from, if you care. ‘Course, as late as she got a date for this She may have gone too farShe may have flagged him down on 820 And drug him screaming from his car. And, Whitney this means you might not Have to wait for your Indian guyAppears you can snatch one off the street If you will only try. Someone go and comfort Hannah When we finish and are doneShe must be looking at Kime and thinking Man, I didn’t know I had that option! Alyssa Theriot/Julie Stewart Ethan says some quite strange things Can be embarrassing tooJust be glad he doesn’t know the words That Alyssa and Julie do. We won’t say their language’s rough Don’t want to make a fussBut last week they were out at the naval station Making sailors blush. Just keep them far away from Pierce His virgin ears might leap and lurchHe never, ever hears or says Words one couldn’t use in church. One rumor we’re not too sure of Around the school still swirlsThat Alyssa and Julie might have learned their words From the Roberts girls. But, so far, it’s not been too bad If you know whereof we speakIt’s helped a lot for sure because Julie’s only here one day a week. Colton Thompson (Holly Moore) Colton’s here, he asked Moore Got his first kiss from her, if you willColton, if you need more practice, get with Brannon He’ll kiss anything that stands still. Holly dated Brannon off and on Broke up – how many times - six or seven?Even had a thing for Rivas Tonight, she’s showing you can cross from hell to heaven. So, she’s here with Colton there She got over Brannon fastBut we can be happy now for her What a step up in class! Getting over Brannon’s sure a plus Might be compared to……..let’s see ehWell, many have said it feels a bit like getting over……. Explosive diarrhea. It wouldn’t be a senior time Without some other newsSo let’s look at a few more folks In our “Most Likely To’s”
Most Likely to………….. …still be trying to pass the first paragraph of the civil war speech on graduation night – Brandon Miller.…miss the Rapture because he has to stay in Summer School making up days he missed during school - Jonathan Gearinger… likely to have her lips glued together for eternity because God’s ears need a rest – Lucresa Dorsey…most likely to have included “Build a Bear” in fun places to take a date – Aleyna Penny…most likely to be sent to hell for even thinking about wearing a Speedo – Brannon Low…most likely to marry a man then hack him to death and eat his flesh - Lucresa Dorsey…most likely to, when he approaches the pearly gates, stop and ask, “Does it cost anything to get in? – Scott Haley…have a child’s safety seat in his limo – Caleb Randolph…become a mercenary pilot and bomb Ft. Worth by mistake – Ethan Esgro …to join the air force so she can stalk Garrett Benner – Hannah Olson…to jump into the arms of the first kid who walks by dressed in a super hero uniform – Desi Vaile…Be Salutatorian but never win an art competition since the best entry she can think of is a shoe tree – Carmon Rike…Still be wondering around lost here in Ranger stadium when the season starts – Michelle Mann.…be the only person ever sent to prison for pretending to be a helicopter – Ethan Esgro...be the first person to propose to his girlfriend on Twitter – Matt Bickers…be kicked out of heaven and sent to hell and hear God say, “I don’t care if she is saved We’ve had peace and quiet here for billions of years and we’re not going to ruin It – Jennifer Campbell…to end up a spooky old maid living with a houseful of cats – Hannah Olson… to be buried in her back yard and no one ever know what happened to him – Brannon Low…end up on “Dancing with the Stars” – sweeping the dance floor – Alexa Hubenak…most likely to not make it home tonight alive if he touches his date – Caleb Randolph
Let’s leave these for awhile And move on to something newPerhaps some Wind up Dolls can help So let’s look at a few. Wind up Dolls
Brandon Miller…looks carefully at the other dolls to check out their physique – and then asks: “How do I tell the difference between the boys and the girls?”Katherine Gilpin…gets a full ride scholarship offer from A&M - Upper NE Maine A&M.LuCresia Dorsey… naw….you don’t ever have to wind it up, it never runs downZane Sanders….chases all the girl dolls, but only catches those whose batteries have run way,Way down.Brazos Roberts………says it keeps running from Zane but it seems to be running backward.Hannah Olson…..goes to McDonalds and, while eating a big mac, yells at someone for destroying life by stepping on a cockroach.Dezi Vaile… goes to the edge of a building, sees a 6 year old walking by in a Batman uniform And jumps off yelling, “Save me, save me, my hero!”
And finally if Jeff Foxworthy doesn’t mind And it won’t cause a riftWe’ll take a look at school by saying You might be a Temple Student if….
You might Be a Temple Student if… …your high school principal keeps being mistaken for a Leprechaun…and he does sit on A pot a lot, but not a golden one.…your football team is still trying to figure out how the deaf team heard the snap count.…the church decided to pave over every exposed blade of grass and you notice a lump under the concrete between the gym and 700 building and you’re pretty sure a student is missing.… the cheer squad is larger than the football team but the football team is prettier.…the senior boys are so aggressive the only way the girls can get rid of them is by Leaving school.…the valedictorian began bragging about it in kindergarten.…your senior trip singlehandedly caused Speedo sales to drop 50%…the cheerleaders post worse things on Facebook than the football players.… the word “helicopter” will never again bring to mind one of those flying machines That pass overhead.…there are more picnic tables on your campus than there are students or picnics…World War II class enrollment is shooting up since your instructors showed a sex scene.…if on senior trip the boys had a lot more interesting things happen in their rooms than the girls did.…if by second grade little boys learn to hide when they see a high school girl coming down the hall
...you completed the LSD course and aren't too sure you'll ever use any of the three.
Well, I guess that’s if for foolishness And hope you’ve laughed a bitTo end may we be serious At least as we can get. We like to end each year with a thought That comes shrouded with our loveAnd hope it can bring to you this night Blessings from above The year is now almost done Time for memories running out. Seniors set with hope and fear Confidence and doubt.
Knowing the first of life’s great chapters Is drawing to a closeWondering what God has in store What challenges life will pose. A clinging child still living there As adulthood pushes in.Has the best already past Or has it not yet been?
Would that one could answer that But the answer is not knownIt will be written by each one’s life Chiseled into stone As you go forth, all we can send Are prayers and love with eachKnowing success and happiness Are within each one’s reach In our hands no longer dwells - Be it real or just facades -The time to mold, for it has passed- Now - only yours and God’s The end is as it’s always been Drifting on the airBut know the joy of life is not in the end But in the journey getting there. And know that as you pick your path, Though different from some,At journey’s end success or not Will be judged by only One. May you choose a path with hills and draws Unknowns round every bend.May you find joy with others in every step And find God - waiting at the end. Conclusion As mentioned, hopefully you’ve all had a laughAnd now we’re done at lastSince this will be my final poem It’s great to be this class. Each of you help bring to mindBy many different meansJust why I chose to long agoGive my life to teens. You seniors are a great class with lots of lifeAnd God has great things in storeIf you’ll just stay true to HimAnd each day love Him more. And so I’ll say a goodbye nowTo each of you I seeAnd ask that in years to comeYou’ll, at times, remember me.
Rest assured in times ahead Be they many years or fewI will in so many different ways Always remember you. And know as you leave our schoolTo keep your eyes on things aboveAnd, most of all, never doubtThat each of you is loved
Seniors, we love you and will be praying for you and we will miss you. I share with you the realization the time is here to move on.